Europe and Central Asia


In Europe and Central Asia, MenCare partners are engaging men as caregivers and as fathers through powerful media campaigns, high-impact program development, and local- and national-level advocacy initiatives in 22 countries. In Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, MoldovaNetherlands, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, SpainSweden, Switzerland, TurkeyUkraine, and the United Kingdom, as well as in the Balkans region, our partners focus on issues ranging from gender equality and violence against women to child protection and family wellbeing.

Across the region, MenCare partners work to support active caregiving that is free from violence. From Bulgaria and Latvia to Turkey, campaign posters and videos break down stereotypes around men and caregiving by depicting images of positive and engaged fatherhood. In Armenia, work with youth and couples aims to transform norms that lead to prenatal sex selection, while in Portugal, materials in health centers inform patients about parental leave legislation and the benefits of involved fatherhood. From Sweden to Russia, our partners’ work with fathers, couples, and health professionals aims to advance gender equality and family wellbeing at both the individual and institutional levels.

For more information on MenCare in Europe and Central Asia, check out the regional highlights below, and visit Bulgaria’s Being a Father website in Bulgarian; Portugal’s Eu sou pai website in Portuguese; and Switzerland’s MenCare website in French, German, and Italian.

Recent News Show me more

Lessons learned from a module for pregnancy partners in the Netherlands

To make sure that fathers become actively involved from the start, Rutgers, the Dutch centre of expertise on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), together with TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, explored the outcomes of a newly created partner module.

Videos Show me more

It’s About Time: The Case for Parental Leave in Georgia

რას ვგულისხმობთ, როცა მამების დეკრეტული შვებულების მნიშვნელობაზე ვლაპარაკობთ? – შვილებთან მეტი დროის გატარებას, რაც დადებითად აისახება ბავშვის განვითარებაზე; – თანასწორ მშობლობას, რაც ასე სჭირდებათ ბავშვებს, თუმცა ხშირად უგულებელყოფილია გენდერული სტრეოტიპების გამო; – პარტნიორის მხარდაჭერას, რაც მნიშვნელოვან გავლენას ახდენს ქალის ჯანმრთელობაზე, ზრდის ჰარმონიას წყვილის ურთიერთობაში და ხელს უწყობს პიროვნულ თუ კარიერულ წინსვლას. წყვილს შორის პასუხისმგებლობების თანაბრად <a class="read-more-link" href="">…</a>

Where You’d Rather Be (English Subtitles)

MenCare: Where you’d rather be? Be an engaged and caring dad from day one. Use your right to father’s leave! For more information about father’s leave in Croatia visit

Who Does What? (English Subtitles)

MenCare: Who will do what? Women carry the biggest burden of family life. In addition to paid work, they spend significantly more time than men on unpaid care and domestic work. It’s time we men step up and take on an equal share of the burden.

Publications Show me more

State of Ireland’s Fathers 2023
State of Ireland’s Fathers 2023

This State of Ireland’s Fathers 2023 report is produced as a MenCare Global Fatherhood Campaign affiliated resource. The report forms part of a set of country- and region-focused reports on men’s involvement as caregivers around the world, and associated with the State of the World’s Fathers 2023 report produced by Equimundo.

State of Nordic Fathers
State of Nordic Fathers

Fatherhood norms have changed considerably in the Nordic countries over the past decades. The sight of a father pushing his baby in a pram is no longer rare, and parental leave is no longer for mothers only. Yet parental leave is still not shared equally, despite parents having the right.

Program P
Program P

Program P is MenCare’s manual for engaging men in fatherhood, in caregiving, and in maternal, newborn, and child health.

State of the World’s Fathers: Unlocking the Power of Men’s Care: Executive Summary
State of the World’s Fathers: Unlocking the Power of Men’s Care: Executive Summary

The State of the World’s Fathers 2019 report calls for men’s uptake of their full share of the world’s childcare and domestic work – across all societies and relationships – to advance gender equality.